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Joint Staff Structure

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Our Team

The Joint Staff is comprised of nearly 2,000 civilians and service members from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, National Guard and Coast Guard--over 800 are civil servants. The men and women of the Joint Staff directly support the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest ranking military officer in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the principal military advisor to the President of the United States.Their efforts have a direct impact on global operations and on our warfighters' ability to fight and win decisively in every domain - air, land, sea, cyber and space. 

The Joint Staff is assembling a team of career professionals to develop and provide the best military strategic advice regarding the various domains. We're looking for individuals with diverse background experience and education in career fields such as engineers, program managers, operations research analysts, exercise planners, financial analysts, information technology specialists and other support positions. We have several locations; however most positions are concentrated within the Washington, DC area as well as Norfolk, VA and Suffolk, VA.

Interested in joining the Joint Staff team?
Learn more about our current job opportunities by clicking the USAJobs button below. Find some helpful hints for searching and applying in the Resources section below.



Hiring Authorities



Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. §§ 4151--57)

The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) requires access to facilities that are designed, built, altered, or leased with Federal funds. The Access Board is the federal agency responsible for enforcing the ABA. The Access Board's accessibility standards are available on their website

The ABA defines how the Secretary of Defense is responsible for ensuring that individuals with physical disabilities have ready access and use of DoD buildings and facilities whenever possible, by prescribing standards for their design, construction, and alteration. The ABA applies to facilities designed, built, altered, or leased with certain federal funds, and non-federal facilities which were built or altered with federal grants or loans. The ABA requirements also have defined exceptions and limitations.

On October 31, 2008, the Deputy Secretary of Defense adopted the government-wide standards documented in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, § 1191 as part of the “DoD Standards” to comply with the ABA. – DoD Memorandum - “Access for People with Disabilities”

The United States Access Board accepts complaints that buildings covered by the ABA do not meet these standards. If you know of a covered building that does not meet the guidelines, you can file a complaint on the Access Board’s Complaints Page. Complaints may be filed anonymously.

Personal Assistance Services for Individuals with Disabilities

On January 3, 2017, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC or Commission) amended the regulations implementing Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 501), the law that prohibits the federal government from discriminating in employment on the basis of disability and requires it to engage in affirmative action for people with disabilities.

The amended regulations require federal agencies to provide Personal Assistance Services (PAS), absent undue hardship, to individuals who need them because of certain disabilities. PAS are services that help individuals who, because of targeted disabilities, require assistance to perform basic activities of daily living, like removing and putting on clothing, eating, using the restroom, pushing a wheelchair or assistance with getting into or out of a vehicle at the work site. Agencies are only required to provide PAS when the individual is working or on work-related travel.

Individuals requesting PAS must meet the below criteria and the Joint Staff will only provide PAS to an individual if:

a. You are an employee of the Joint Staff;
b. You have a targeted disability and require PAS because of your targeted disability;
c. You will be able to perform the essential functions of your job, without posing a direct threat to safety, once PAS and any required reasonable accommodations have been provided; 
d. Providing PAS will not impose undue hardship on the agency.

PAS are not provided to:

Individuals with disabilities to perform their specific job functions, such as reviewing documents or answering questions that come through a call-in center.  PAS differs from services that help an individual to perform job-related tasks, such as sign language interpreter, who enable individuals who are deaf to communicate with coworkers, and readers who, enable individuals who are blind or have learning disabilities to read printed text.  Those types of services are reasonable accommodations and reasonable accommodations are unaffected by PAS regulations.

Requesting Personal Assistance Services:

The Joint Staff PAS request procedures are the same as the procedures for requesting a reasonable accommodation(s): Inform your supervisor of your PAS need and begin the interactive process discussion.  Requests can also be made by contacting the Joint Staff EEO/D Office.  PAS requests can be initially made verbally.  However, verbal requests will be documented in PAS Request, Approval, or Denial Forms. Information relating to a PAS is kept confidential as per the reasonable accommodation procedures. All PAS requests shall be tracked and reported in a similar manner as reasonable accommodations.


Personal Assistance Services:  Assistance performing activities of daily living that an individual would typically perform, if he or she did not have a disability, and is not otherwise required as a reasonable accommodation, including, for example, assistance with removing and putting on clothing, eating, using the restroom, pushing a wheelchair or assisting someone with getting into or out of a vehicle at the worksite.

Targeted Disability:  Targeted disabilities are a subset of conditions that would be considered disabilities under the Rehabilitation Act.  The federal government has recognized that qualified individuals with certain disabilities face significant barriers to employment, which for some people may include lack of access to PAS in the workplace.  These disabilities are above and beyond the barriers faced by people with the broader range of disabilities.  The federal government calls these "targeted disabilities."

Note, however, that not everyone with a targeted disability will be entitled to PAS under the new regulations, because only some individuals with targeted disabilities require assistance with basic activities like eating and using the restroom.  Medical conditions that are more likely to result in the need for PAS include, for example, missing limbs or paralysis due to spinal cord injury.

Meet our new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. 
and learn more about his key focus areas.