JKO assisted the Department of Navy Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment & Suicide Prevention and Response Office (DON SAPRO) in creating a Virtual Classroom (VCLASS) site to allow registration for the SAPRO “Standing the Watch” webinar series.
Check out the first webinar.
The first course released presents “The Art of Language and Connection” hosted by Colonel DeDe Halfhill, USAF (Ret), which is a candid conversation on using language to promote a culture of connectedness—one that emphasizes care and belonging, and reduces the loneliness many are experiencing during this period of a Global Pandemic.
Students will receive DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program Continuing Education Credits.
VCLASS offers more than online courses.
Using a VCLASS site enabled DON SAPRO to capture registration demographic data, assessment results, and recording and delivery of completion certificates, giving the group important insights into training objectives and automating certain administrative tasks.