Training while we fight: Lessons from Ukraine's use of distributed learning in war.
As a participant in the Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group (WG), JKO was privileged to aid in drafting the Training while we fight: Lessons from Ukraine’s use of distributed learning in war information paper. It examines the lessons from Ukraine on ADL training to sustain the fight in wartime.
Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group (WG) 1 February 2023 • Skopje, North Macedonia
The information paper features training and experimentation lessons learned from the Ukrainian frontlines and defines how allies can learn, re-build and develop partner training capabilities. Ukraine emerges as a theater where warfighters and civilians alike train for new operational concepts and technology as the fight is ongoing. The war spotlights the vital importance of training and education to prepare for and sustain major military operations.
The PfPC ADL WG focuses on how distributed learning’s scale of throughput, flexibility, and reusability prove it is well-suited to meet this training and education requirement. The Ukraine Armed Forces has combined the creative use of eLearning and localized partner-nation content to far outpace Russia in renewing ready, agile manpower for a quickly changing battlespace and shifting mix of new weapons systems.
Our thanks to the PfPC ADL WG coordinators and eLearning and security cooperation experts in pulling this truly significant paper together.
More Information:
JKO is a world-class capability supporting DoD joint training and education requirements with 24/7, globally accessible, cost-effective, state-of-the-art distributed learning methods and technologies. Its mission is to develop, deliver, track, report, and support online distributed learning to enhance individual and staff proficiency in joint operations and improve operational readiness of the joint enterprise.
The PfPC ADL Working Group's mission is to strengthen e-learning-based defense and security policy education through international and institutional collaboration. Its core activities are to discuss and evaluate new education and training technologies which can support nation's military and academic institutions.