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Home : Library : FAQs
CJCS Authority to Issue Directives
Expand List item 2230Collapse List item 2230  Q: What authority does the Chairman have to issue Directives?
The authority to issue directives is derived from the Chairman's Title 10 responsibility to communicate President and SecDef policy to the joint force, specifically in accordance with Section 153. Additionally, Title 10, Section 155 specifically states that the Joint Staff will assist the Chairman in providing the unified strategic direction of the combatant forces. In DoDD 5100.1, "Functions of the Department of Defense and its Major Components," the Secretary of Defense charges the Chairman, (specifically in paragraphs 4.1.41 and 4.1.43) to "promulgate publications" and to "provide military guidance". SECDEF has delegated authority to the Chairman in a number of other directives and memorandums, including taskings, to publish guidance. Any CJCS directive that applies to the Services, combatant commands, or defense agencies outside the Joint Staff must include a reference to the applicable authority. Appropriate references for CJCS authority include statutory citations to the US Code or citations to the delegation of authority by the SecDef or DepSecDef.
Expand List item 2231Collapse List item 2231  Q: Why does the Chairman issue instructions?
The Chairman uses Instructions, Notices, Manuals and Guides -- collectively called "directives" -- to clarify National and DOD policy and provide guidance to the Services, combatant commands, and defense agencies in accomplishing certain missions. Chairman's instructions, manuals, and notices convey CJCS policy that does not contain joint doctrine or concern employment of the forces in joint operations.
Finding CJCS & JS Directives
Expand List item 2232Collapse List item 2232  Q: Where are CJCS/JS Directives located on NIPRNET and SIPRNET?

Currently, CJCS/JS Directives are located in two places on SIPRNET.  Joint Staff Personnel can access them from the JS SharePoint Portal.

All other users outside of the Joint Staff, including combatant commands and other DoD agencies, must use Intelink to obtain access to the CJCS/JS Directives library.  The link is: <>  Both sites are updated simultaneously.

On the NIPRNET, Unclassified CJCS/JS Directives that have an unrestricted releasability (available to the public) can be found at: <>.   CJCS/JS Directives are also available in the Electronic Directives Library on the Joint Staff SharePoint portal (CAC-access Required).  In addition to "unrestricted" directives, this portal also houses a .mil/.gov controlled-access library for directives with "limited" releasability.

Expand List item 2233Collapse List item 2233  Q: Where can I find DoD Issuances?

DoD Issuances, which include directives, instructions, pubs/manuals, and directive-type memorandums, can be accessed at this link.

Expand List item 2234Collapse List item 2234  Q: What types of releasability are available for CJCS/JS Directives?

Per JSM 5701.01F, CJCS/JS Directives can have one of the following releasabilities:

Unrestricted (Unlimited) – Directives with this releasability reside on both the NIPR and SIPR sites based on classification. NIPR access includes the WWW, and SIPR directives are available to the entire SIPR community.

.Mil/.Gov Access – A subset of Unrestricted releasability, Directives that have this are placed in a controlled-access (.mil/.gov only) library in the NIPR SharePoint site. They are not releasable to the public, and are usually classified FOUO. Access on SIPR, however, is open to the entire SIPR community.

Restricted – Directives with this releasability are not accessible via the NIPR directives site. On SIPR, electronic release is restricted to the controlled access portion of the CJCS/JS Directives library, which is accessible to Joint Staff personnel only. Outside users who require access must contact either IMD or the OPR.
Included under restricted releasability are all Joint Staff (JS) Instructions, Manuals, Notices, and Guides unless an exception is made by the OPR. These directives are generally applicable only to the Joint Staff.

Not Releasable – Directives with this releasability are not approved for electronic release. Access can only be granted by the Office of Primary Responsibility. An index of these directives is available in list form only (no documents) on the SIPR CJCS/JS Directives SharePoint site.

PLEASE NOTE: All CJCS/JS Directives with a /CLASSIFICATION//REL TO/ marking, e.g. SECRET//REL TO USA, ACGU, have been placed under restricted releasability in order to facilitate proper security measures IAW JSSO guidance.

Instruction, Manual, Notice, or Guide?
Expand List item 2235Collapse List item 2235  Q: What is the difference between instruction/manuals/notices/guides?
Per the CJCS/JS 5701.01 series:

Instructions - Primarily contain CJCS/JS policy, but can also include procedures. They may implement or supplement DoD Issuances, and/or establish and prescribe JS Forms. Signature level depends on subject matter and current practice.

Manuals – Primarily contain CJCS/JS procedure, but can also establish policy. May supplement CJCS/JS instructions or stand alone. Signature level depends on subject matter and current practice.

Notices – Primarily contain policy, guidance, or information of a one-time or brief nature, and may include a specific effective period. Signature level depends on subject matter and current practice. In addition, there are also -
• Cancellation Notices, which are used to cancel CJCS/JS Instructions, Manuals, Notices, and Guides, and expire 1 year after being published and;
• Change Notices, which are used to employ small changes to CJCS/JS Directives.

Guides – Primarily contain detailed information, emphasis, and guidance from the Chairman on a specific topic, and carry a CJCS-level signature as well.

CJCS/JS Directives do not contain joint doctrine or concern employment of forces in joint operations. Please see the JSM 5701.01 series for more information.
CJCS & JS Directives and Joint Doctrine Differences
Expand List item 2236Collapse List item 2236  Q: What are the differences between Joint Doctrine and CJCS/JS Instructions, Manuals, Notices, and Guides?

The following description is from the CJCSI 5120.02 series on the Joint Doctrine Development System and discusses the differences between doctrine and policy (Policy = CJCS/JS instructions, manuals, notices, and guides):

“Doctrine and Policy. Policy and doctrine are closely related, but they fundamentally fill separate requirements. Policy can direct, assign tasks, prescribe desired capabilities, and provide guidance for ensuring the Armed Forces of the United States are prepared to perform their assigned roles; implicitly, policy can therefore create new roles and a requirement for new capabilities. Conversely, doctrine enhances the operational effectiveness of the Armed Forces by providing authoritative guidance and standardized terminology on topics relevant to the employment of military forces.

Most often, policy drives doctrine; however, on occasion, an extant capability will require the creation of policy. Policy makers and doctrine developers should work interactively and in full understanding of the other arena, striving to issue harmonized policy and doctrine. It is not always clear when a void is identified whether filling it will require new (or revised) doctrine or policy (or perhaps both). As a general rule, if the need can only be adequately addressed by using such prescriptive words as “shall” and “must,” then the void is in policy, and policy development should precede doctrine development.”

Items to remember:

CJCS/JS Directives – Policy and Guidance contained within do not involve the employment of forces.

Joint Doctrine – Does not establish policy.

CJCS/JS Directives – The Directives Program is maintained by the Joint Secretariat, Information Management Division, Records and Research Branch (SJS/IMD/RRB).

Joint Doctrine – Program maintained by the Joint Education and Doctrine Division (JEDD – J-7)

CJCS/JS Directives – Access on NIPR here.

Joint Doctrine – Joint Publications (doctrine) can be accessed via the Joint Doctrine Electronic Information System (JDEIS) on NIPR SharePoint at this link.

Updates to CJCS & JS Directives
Expand List item 2245Collapse List item 2245  Q: How do I find out which CJCS/JS Directives updates have been posted in the last month?
IMD has made available a Directives Transit List that will be posted on the NIPR and SIPR websites on or around the 1st of each month. They will list the CJCS/JS directives that are new, revised, re-issued with currency, or cancelled.
Expand List item 2246Collapse List item 2246  Q: When are CJCS/JS Directives published to the NIPR and SIPR Websites?
CJCS/JS Directives are published to the NIPR and SIPR websites on or before the 15th of every month. For example, a directive that was signed in January 2016, will be published to the directives websites on or before 15 February 2016. OPRs that require a directive to be published more quickly may contact IMD for assistance.
Directives Process Questions
Expand List item 2238Collapse List item 2238  Q: Are pen & ink changes to CJCS/JS Directives permitted?
No, pen & ink changes to CJCS/JS Directives are not permitted.
Expand List item 2239Collapse List item 2239  Q: How do I get a new directive number?
Directive numbers are assigned by the IMD Directives Team. Just contact IMD to have one assigned. See the category index in JSM 5701.01 series for a numerical breakdown. Revisions to existing directives receive an alphabetical letter following the document number, which is based on the revision.
Expand List item 2240Collapse List item 2240  Q: What is the best way to reference a CJCS/JS Directive?

CJCS/JS Directives as references - Please refer to JSM 5701.01F for guidance on how to reference a directive in the body of the instruction, manual, notice, or guide, and how to format a CJCS or JS directive in the References Enclosure.

Expand List item 2241Collapse List item 2241  Q: What is the process for making a change to a CJCS/JS Directive and How do I create a Change Notice?

The standard process for making a change to a CJCS/JS Directive is to issue a Change Notice. Per JSM 5701.01 series: The Ten-Percent Rule states that if 10% or less of the document requires changes, then a Change Notice must be used. Anything higher than that and a new revision must be issued.

Refer to JSM 5701.01F for step by step instructions on how to create the change notice. Templates are found on the NIPR Directives Electronic Library Website.

Contact Information
Expand List item 2243Collapse List item 2243  Q: How do I contact the IMD Directives Team?

The JEL is managed by the Records and Research Branch of the Information Management Division, Joint Secretariat 703-697-6906 or DSN 227-6906. Directives questions can also be emailed to