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Doc Number Title Pub Date Current as of Info
CJCSI 3225.01B Procedures for Management of Illumination of Objects in Space 3/29/2023 This instruction establishes Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) policy, assigns responsibilities, and defines procedures for illumination of objects in space by lasers. The instruction serves to protect satellites from a reasonable expectation of harm or disruption in accordance with references a through e.
CJCSI 3255.01  Joint Unmanned Aircraft Systems Minimum Training Standards 7/17/2009 09/04/12 To define Joint Unmanned Aircraft System Minimum Training Standards (JUMTS) and identify the minimum knowledge required for an unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) crewmember (UASC) to support joint force commanders’ (JFC) objectives.
CJCSI 3265.01A Command and Control Governance and Management 10/21/2013 Purpose. This instruction applies only to Joint, non-nuclear, command and control (C2) and:  a. Establishes responsibilities for the Joint Staff (JS), Services, Combatant Commands (CCMDs), and other activities regarding C2.
CJCSI 3265.02  Joint Command and Control Systems Training Management 10/10/2014 To establish responsibilities, relationships, and a management structure for training requirements identification, prioritization, and validation, as well as development, maintenance, delivery, and sharing of training products and capabilities for Joint command and control (C2) systems.
CJCSI 3267.01  National Military Command System Primary Command Center Command Assistance Visit Program 8/6/2018 12/15/2021 This instruction establishes procedures for the preparation and conduct of Joint Staff Primary Command Center (PCC) Command Assistance Visits (CAVs) in accordance with reference a.
CJCSI 3270.01C Personnel Recovery 6/30/2019 This instruction implements Department of Defense (DoD) personnel recovery (PR) policy responsibilities delineated in reference a.
CJCSI 3290.01D Program for Detainee Operations 6/1/2012 CH 1, 02/17/15 To designate a Joint Staff point of contact for matters pertaining to the implementation of the Department of Defense (DoD) Detainee Program, and to assign responsibilities to Joint Staff offices and directorates to ensure appropriate oversight of combatant command detainee operations policies and procedures, including ensuring operational exercises routinely test the capabilities of DoD components to conduct, participate in, and support detainee operations.
CJCSI 3320.02F Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution 3/8/2013 To provide policy, reporting guidance, and program description; identify the roles and responsibilities of DoD agencies; and provide security classification guidance for the Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution (JSIR) program.
CJCSI 3320.03D Joint Communications Electronics Operating Instructions 6/25/2018 Directive Current as of 18 Aug 22 To establish policy, assign responsibilities, and provide guidance for the planning, coordination and production of the joint communications-electronics operating instruction (JCEOI).
CJCSI 3340.02B Joint Enterprise Integration of Warfighter Intelligence 10/24/2013 This instruction establishes policy and procedures to improve the integration of warfighter intelligence data across the Intelligence Community (IC).
CJCSI 3401.01E Joint Combat Capability Assessment 4/13/2010 05/19/14 This instruction establishes the Joint Combat Capability Assessment (JCCA) as the policy and process for reporting and assessing the readiness of the Department of Defense (DOD) to execute the National Military Strategy (NMS). The JCCA is a major component of the Chairman’s Readiness System.
CJCSI 3401.02B Force Readiness Reporting 5/31/2011 07/17/14 This instruction establishes uniform policy, procedures, and criteria for the reporting of authoritative information to the President and Secretary of Defense related to the readiness of military forces to meet missions and goals assigned by the Secretary of Defense.
CJCSI 3405.01  Chairman's Total Force Fitness Framework 9/1/2011 09/23/13 This instruction identifies a framework for adopting and implementing total force fitness (TFF). The TFF framework is a methodology for understanding, assessing, and maintaining Service members' well-being and sustaining their ability to carry out missions. This instruction identifies terms, definitions, descriptions, and responsibilities.
CJCSI 3411.01E Key Personnel Location Reports to the National Military Command Center 8/23/2016 12/15/2021 This instruction establishes procedures for informing the National Military Command Center (NMCC) of the location of designated key personnel in accordance with reference a.
CJCSI 3420.01E CJCS Conferencing Systems 2/23/2015 This instruction provides policy and guidance for secure voice conferencing using the Worldwide Secure Voice Conferencing System (WWSVCS), Enhanced Pentagon Capability (EPC), Survivable Emergency Conferencing Network (SECN), CJCS Alerting Network (CJCSAN), and Digital Remotely Programmable Conference Arranger (DRPCA).
CJCSI 3431.01E Joint Nuclear Accident and Incident Response Team 11/26/2018 This instruction outlines the functions of the Joint Nuclear Accident and Incident Response Team (JNAIRT), and establishes Department of Defense (DoD) responsibilities to ensure a joint 24-hour-a-day capability to meet the initial DoD time-sensitive management requirements for any accident or incident involving U.S. nuclear weapons in DoD or Department of Energy (DoE) custody, or involving a military reactor.
CJCSI 3460.01D Combat Support Agency Review Team Assessments 9/30/2019 12/15/2021 Provide guidance on the conduct of Combat Support Agency Review Team (CSART) assessments.
CJCSI 3500.01J Joint Training Policy for the Armed Forces of the United States 1/13/2020 To establish the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) policy for the use of the Joint Training System (JTS) in planning, executing, and assessing joint training. This instruction aligns with guidance in the “Strategic Plan for the Next Generation of Training for the Department of Defense” (reference a) and includes joint training and joint education (references b and c).
CJCSI 3500.02C Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) Program 12/19/2022
CJCSI 3505.01E Target Coordinate Mensuration Certification and Program Accreditation 8/10/2022 This instruction establishes policy for target coordinate mensuration (TCM) certification for individuals and program accreditation for the Department of Defense (DoD), Services, Combatant Commands (CCMDs), CCMD subordinate forces headquarters (HQ), combat support agencies (CSAs), and coalition partners.
CJCSI 3520.02C U.S. Military Support to the Proliferation Security Initiative 5/24/2019 12/15/2021 This instruction sets forth policy and provides procedures for the planning and execution of U.S. military support to the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), as directed by the Secretary of Defense (reference a).
CJCSI 3810.01G Meteorological and Oceanographic Support 3/31/2023
CJCSI 3900.01E Position (Point And Area) Reference Procedures 2/10/2023
CJCSI 4110.01F Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation 9/25/2021
CJCSI 4120.02E List of Priorities - Department of Defense Transportation Movement Priority System 2/12/2020 3/24/2022 This instruction establishes policy and provides guidance on the methods to be used to prioritize DoD transportation in support of the National Military Strategy in accordance with references a and b.
CJCSI 4310.01F Logistics Planning Guidance for Pre-Positioned War Reserve Materiel 8/29/2022 This instruction establishes logistics planning guidance for pre-positioned war reserve materiel (PWRM) for use during a full spectrum of contingency operations during peacetime or wartime periods, as defined in reference (a).
CJCSI 4320.01F Requirement Authorization Documents for Joint Organizations, Joint Task Forces, Standing Joint Force Headquarters and Other Joint Organizations 5/6/2022
CJCSI 4330.01B Use of NATO Logistical Planning Factors by US Forces 4/30/2010 8/23/2022 To establish policy guidance for the United States' use of NATO stockpile planning factors.
CJCSI 4360.01D Explosives Safety and Munitions Risk Management for Operations Planning, Training, and Execution 8/5/2023
CJCSI 4520.01G Procedures for Requesting Non-US NATO Airlift 1/20/2023
CJCSI 4520.02F Airlift Support Request Policy Guidance and Procedures 9/30/2022 Consistent with references a through t, this instruction promulgates guidance, procedures, and experience-based assistance for Department of Defense (DoD) airlift requests.
CJCSI 4600.02D Exercise-Related Construction Program Management 10/4/2022 This instruction outlines procedures for managing the Exercise- Related Construction (ERC) program.
CJCSI 5105.01A Charter of the Joint Staff Executive Advisory Panel (JSEAP) 1/16/2017 In accordance with reference a, the JSEAP plays an active, robust role in formulating policies for, and in the management, governance, and oversight of all Joint Staff Civilian Senior Executive (CSE) programs, and reviews and renders recommendations or opinions on certain actions affecting CSE members and positions.
CJCSI 5111.01H Charter for U.S. National Military Representative to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe 5/30/2022
CJCSI 5116.05  Military Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Executive Board 4/23/2014 This instruction establishes the organization, membership, functions, and responsibilities of the Military Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4) Executive Board (MC4EB), previously known as the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB).
CJCSI 5119.01C Charter for the Centralized Direction, Management, Operation, and Technical Support of the Nuclear Command, Control, and Communication System 12/14/2007 9/14/2015 To define the functions and responsibilities of the Nuclear C3 System Engineer, Joint Staff, combatant commands, Services, and Defense agencies for the centralized direction, management, operation, and technical support of the nuclear C3 system.
CJCSI 5120.02E Joint Doctrine Development System 11/6/2020 This instruction establishes joint doctrine development policy to assist the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in implementing his responsibility to develop doctrine for the joint employment of the Armed Forces in accordance with (IAW) title 10, U.S.C., chapter 5, section 153 of reference a.
CJCSI 5123.01I Charter of the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and the Implementation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System 10/30/2021
CJCSI 5125.01  Charter of the Joint Information Operations Warfare Center 9/1/2011 9/30/2015 To establish the Joint Information Operations Warfare Center (JIOWC) as a Chairman-controlled activity (CCA) under the supervision of the Joint Staff Director for Operations (J-3) and define the mission and functions of the JIOWC.
CJCSI 5127.01A Joint Fire Support Executive Steering Committee Governance and Management 12/14/2018 8/18/2022 This instruction implements the Joint Fire Support (JFS) Executive Steering Committee (ESC) as a Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) sponsored, flag officer/general officer (FOGO) level joint body established to analyze and recommend solutions to joint fire support issues.
CJCSI 5140.01C Military Targeting Committee Governance and Management 9/7/2023 This instruction establishes the Military Targeting Committee (MTC) as a federation of senior targeting representatives from the Joint Staff (JS), Combatant Commands (CCMDs), Services, Department of Defense (DoD) Combat Support Agencies (CSAs), Intelligence Community (IC) and IC elements, sub-unified commands, and Five Eyes (FVEY) partner nations.
CJCSI 5141.01A  Combat Identification - Friendly Force Tracking Executive Steering Committee (CID-FFT ESC) Governance and Management 9/20/2019 8/18/2022 This instruction implements the Combat Identification - Friendly Force Tracking (CID-FFT) Executive Steering Committee (ESC) as a Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) sponsored, general officer/flag officer (GO/FO) level joint body established to analyze and recommend solutions to Combat Identification and Friendly Force Tracking issues.
CJCSI 5221.01E Delegation of Authority to Commanders of Combatant Commands to Disclose Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations 6/6/2018 12/15/2021 In this instruction, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) delegates to the Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) the authority to disclose to foreign governments and international organizations classified military information for which they are the originating component.
CJCSI 5245.01D Department of Defense Information Sharing with the U.S. Secret Service Concerning Protection of the President of the United States and other Officials 5/5/2022
CJCSI 5261.01G Combating Terrorism Readiness Initiatives Fund 12/2/2013 12/15/2021 This instruction establishes policy and procedures to facilitate execution of the Combating Terrorism Readiness Initiatives Fund (CbT RIF) established by the Secretary of Defense and managed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, hereafter referred to as the Chairman.
CJCSI 5320.01D Guidance for the Joint History Program 4/27/2023 This instruction provides guidance for the Joint History Program.
CJCSI 5400.01  Joint Public Affairs Proponent 4/1/2022
CJCSI 5501.01H Congressional Liaison Policy 10/26/2022 a. To provide guidance to Joint Staff and Combatant Command action officers (AOs) on official contacts with Congress, whether initiated by the Joint Staff, Combatant Commands, Congress, or outside agencies, for any official purpose.
CJCSI 5701.01C Policy for the Development of CJCS, Joint Staff, and J-Directorate Directives 10/1/2011 Consistent with reference a, this instruction sets forth policy and responsibilities for development and maintenance of CJCS, Joint Staff, and J-directorate instructions, manuals, notices, and guides.
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