The Joint Training Synchronization Conference 2017 (JTSC 17) was held at the Joint Staff Suffolk Complex located at 116 Lake View Parkway, Suffolk, Virginia, from 21-24 August 2017
- Gain concurrence on a plan for Globally Integrated Exercises for FY 2019 and 2020
- Gain concurrence on program of work for JS J-7 support to CCMD exercises
- Validate force requirements for CCMD exercises for 2018/2019. Assuming USCC elevation, address USCC support to exercises while continuing to train assigned forces
- Gain support of Joint Assessment and Enabling Capabilities (JAEC) activities and assessments
- Conduct deconfliction of exercise tanker requirements and other high demand, low density enablers
21 August 2017 24 August 2017
Working Groups on 22-23 August 2017
Plenary on 24 August 2017
The military uniform for JTSC 17 was battledress/camouflage uniform/flight suits (aviators). Civilian attire was long sleeved collared shirt with slacks.
Conference registration website is closed.